ESP Public Art Discussion



Extra Special People are hosting a public art discussion tonight (29th October 6.30-9pm).

We welcome everyone to join us for a lively public discussion at Eastside Projects on the future of public art in Birmingham.

Since the Civic Society unveiled its desire to commission a new public art work at a debate in Birmingham’s Council House in May 2013 there has been much discussion, not only about what would constitute good public art for Birmingham, but about what constitutes public art in general.

If you’re not familiar with ESP, here is a bit about them:

Extra Special People (ESP) is Eastside Projects’ Associates scheme, supporting the development of work, ideas, connections and careers through a programme of events, opportunities and projects. Members become active contributors to a practice-led peer support network and benefit from Eastside Projects’ experience of the contemporary art world and regional, national and international contacts.

More info about ESP and this event on their website.