Art at 0%

Audiences Central points us to Own Art, an intriguing Arts Council scheme where you can borrow up to £2000 interest free to buy some art.

Brumcast #79

Brumcast 79 is up: [audio:] One hour of local music featuring Wrapped in Plastic, Phluxm, Miles Hunt, One Dead Groove, Wurlitztraction , The Drowners, Crashdown!, Rebel Territory, The Detrimentals, The Courtesy Group, Understar, Death05, Doom Patrol, The Skeleton Cartel, The Legatos, Terrorform, The 21cm line, Murdoch, Intelligenazia, Paisley Riot and Relay.

7inch Listings

More listings joy, this time from 7inch Cinema for all your moving image and tangentially related needs in the Birmingham conurbation.

New Crowded website

Photographer Craig Holme’s Crowded Gallery website has had an overhaul. It has more of a black and white print focus. I also prefer the more modern home page, which has almost everything in one location – including an RSS feed for new images.

The First Big Weekend of the Winter

The First Big Weekend of the Winter. Autumn Store Dunc does the diary thing, notable in this case for the abundance of links, many leading to local stuff. Go clickety click.

More Creative Director stuff

Some follow-up to the Creative Director notion blogged about on Sunday: Stef Lewandowski asks What Is Birmingham’s Creative Direction? putting the development of the city into the framework of a project. Paul Groves says Birmingham’s creativity can’t be stifled by politics. There are also some interesting comments after Joanna Geary’s post on the subject.