Curzon Street followup

The Post follows up the story about Curzon Street Station being boarded up which I blogged about last Monday adding a bunch of research and quotes from persons involved.

Brumcast 78

We present for your listening pleasure, Brumcast 78 [audio:]


Artsearch is a web directory of Arts websites which is very old school but still, searching for Birmingham (no permalink to searches unfortunately) did bring up a number of sites I wasn’t aware of. You can submit your site and they’ll put it up once they’ve reviewed it. via Audiences Central

SP/ARK up for award

Up and to the left a bit, Creative Wolverhampton seem justly chuffed that SP/ARK, the “specialist business incubator for digital creative industries at Wolverhampton Science Park”, is up for the UK Business Incubation (UKBI) Best Established Incubator of the Year Award.

The fine art of saying “No”

Continuing his series on being a small independent promoter in Birmingham Dunc Autumnstore discusses the fine art of saying “No” to bands who want a gig. When I do get a chance to reply and I’m saying no, then I always try and encourage bands to self-promote, as I seriously think that this is the … [Read more…]