The Outcrowd Collective’s Intervalometer

The Outcrowd Collective’s Intervalometer: “This is a freestyle animation we made for fun, using a digital camera, some time lapse animation software, paint, pens, paper cut outs and our imagination” They’ve been posting a lot of stuff from their archives on the Outcrowd blog these last few days. Go check it out.

Birmingham studios face uncertain future

Birmingham studios face uncertain future. Grimley of The Post gives a great overview of the Artists Studios issue spotlighting some success stories and comparing the Birmingham situation with other cities. Well worth a read and if I wasn’t on holiday (did I mention that?) I’d go through and find links for all the people. If … [Read more…]

Northampton Arts

From the Foreign News desk: “Northampton Arts Collective (NAC) is looking for business partners within the creative sector to assist them in the refurbishment of their Arts Centre situated at the Fishmarket, Northampton. The refurbishment project is subject to a successful bid for funding, the outcome of which will be known by January 08.” More … [Read more…]

Culture Climate

Charlotte Carey went to the Cultural industries and Climate Change in the West Midlands conference and has kindly posted her notes.

Buy or sell

Anthony Herron of Boy Wonder Records is fuming about ticket touts and runs through some ways for event organisers to beat them. He’s keen to get a debate going on this so go join him on his blog.