Go to ZXZW

Lisa Capsule forwarded an email she’d gotten from the ZXZW Festival in Tilburg, The Netherlands, in September. They’re currently booking acts for this year and she thinks Birmingham bands should give it a go. Send CDs to PO Box 327, 5000 AH Tilburg, The Netherlands or email booking@zxzw.nl with links to mp3s (not attachments).

Ditto interviewed

The fifth of Digital Central’s Perspectives on the West Midlands Music Industry series of interviews with local figures has Matt and Lee Parsons of Ditto Music answering three questions at great length. Topics covered are the strengths and weaknesses in the region, best practices and the inevitable but essential “next steps”. You’ll remember Ditto as … [Read more…]

Nikki’s studio notes

Missed it: Nikki Pugh posted up her notes from the Studio Space debate last month held at Vivid. In a trade off to get people talking the event wasn’t recorded for publication, which is a shame. I was hoping more blogging, etc would come out of this. Maybe Christmas got in the way?

Downsizing the new Birmingham library

Downsizing the new Birmingham library. Interesting report by Paul Dale in the Post fron the city council scrutiny group on the central library’s new site next to the Rep. Starts thus: Birmingham’s £193 million new library will have half the space for exhibitions first envisaged, may have fewer books on offer than at present and … [Read more…]

Index Vouchers

Charlotte Carey of the Creative Enterprise blog just emailed: “I had this through and have been asked to forward to SMEs locally I thought it might of interest to your readers? apparently they have a significant quantity of vouchers left and it’s open to all local SME’s.” indexvouchers.org be the link in question.

Paul’s Blog

Paul Birch of Revolver Records has started a blog. Paul, you’ll remember, had that email debate with Andrew Dubber last year that went all viral, so it’s great to see him embracing the form. And given he’s an interesting chap with lots to say about this music industry his blog should come high on a … [Read more…]

Vale Mail

As part of his search for local community blogs dp has come across a gem in Vale Mail, a relatively new blog covering the minutiae of Castle Vale. While not strictly on the CiB radar it’s an interesting model to look at. dp says: It has apparently been online for all of 3 months, but … [Read more…]