Downsizing the new Birmingham library

Downsizing the new Birmingham library. Interesting report by Paul Dale in the Post fron the city council scrutiny group on the central library’s new site next to the Rep. Starts thus:

Birmingham’s £193 million new library will have half the space for exhibitions first envisaged, may have fewer books on offer than at present and will almost certainly be run at reduced staffing levels, it emerged last night.

Members of a city council scrutiny group set up to examine the business case for the merged library and Rep theatre in Centenary Square remained unconvinced that what was being proposed would be an improvement on the Central Library in Paradise Forum.

and continues

One Comment

  1. so with the library going and the rep in trouble, they can extend broad street all the way to macdonalds in paradise forum… might as well get rid of the museum too while they’re at it.

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