Muslim Writers Awards

Caption: “Aliya Vaughan, Muslim Writer of the Year 2008, look in awe at the guest of honour Jermaine Jackson as he presents her with her Award. In the background stand the judges who reviewed the 10,000 entries that were received. Aliya is aged 37 and hails from Brixton in South London.” The Muslim Writer of … [Read more…]

Invigilator: Digbeth

Paul Conneally and Nikki Pugh’s Invigilator: Digbeth took place on Saturday. This is the fifth in the Invigilator series where a single set of directions has been transposed onto different locations to determine the exact place for watching over; we can choose our significant starting points, but then a pre-determined sequence of lefts, rights and … [Read more…]

New Large Cow

After many years of a lovely but slightly out of date website, Hunt Emerson has relaunched Large Cow where he’s selling artwork and archiving cool stuff from the past. Of particular note are pieces from the Birmingham Arts Lab which he was heavily involved with in the 1970’s such as this print: There’s shockingly little … [Read more…]

Fierce email issues

All sorted now! I wouldn’t normally put this sort of thing on the blog but with the Fierce Festival imminent it seems important. Fierce’s email is down for a whole week so if you want to get hold of anyone with a address please use fierceearth [at] googlemail [dot] com. That is all.

Happy Birthday Mr Hamilton!

Jazz Saxophonist legend Andy Hamilton turned 90 recently. There was a concert at Town Hall, reported on by Peter Bacon and a feature on Tuesday’s Front Row plus loads more I’m sure. Update: He’s playing at The Drum on Sunday, starting at 12.30pm. (Thanks Patrick.)

Capsule news

Some bits from Jenny and Lisa Capsule came through the email. In brief… The Supersonic lineup has expanded including Julian Cope! They’re releasing Einstellung‘s album Wings of Desire in June along with a limited vinyl release of Oxbow Duo‘s live set from Supersonic last year. And, of course, a whole gamut of keen looking gigs … [Read more…]

My feeds, let me show you them

I’ve spent today ploughing through a month of items in Google Reader from blogs and news sources in Birmingham which I’d not managed to keep on top of this last month and I must confess I gave up when I got back to March 12th with 600 still to go and marked them all as … [Read more…]

links for 2008-03-25

£20m sound studio, Five and some large film corporation? Simon Howes on the Eastside blog is hearing rumours and is looking for clarification. (tags: media television eastside digbeth film) Radio 4 – Today – Fierce Festival 2008 Now there’s a media partner I wasn’t expecting. (ta Jez) (tags: fierce bbc radio4 today) Craig Holmes has … [Read more…]