Fierce email issues

All sorted now!

I wouldn’t normally put this sort of thing on the blog but with the Fierce Festival imminent it seems important. Fierce’s email is down for a whole week so if you want to get hold of anyone with a address please use fierceearth [at] googlemail [dot] com. That is all.

One Comment

  1. Helga Henry


    Thanks for that Pete – but thanks to the genius of MADE Media (who know about these things more than we do) – the threat to our e-mail is over and they will be diverted to a series of different addresses.

    SO – it’s business as usual at Fierce e-mail – which is something of a relief to us and I hope to all of you out there!

    Thanks again Pete, and thanks to Made Media who have taken the problem from our hands…

    We’ll just stick to what we’re best at – leaving pianos in the street, hanging people naked off buildings, sticking nests on iconic buildings and letting you programme our festival (!!!

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