Invigilator: Digbeth

Paul Conneally and Nikki Pugh’s Invigilator: Digbeth took place on Saturday.

This is the fifth in the Invigilator series where a single set of directions has been transposed onto different locations to determine the exact place for watching over; we can choose our significant starting points, but then a pre-determined sequence of lefts, rights and straight-ons takes us on a not-quite-random walk to an unplanned invigilation site.

Nikki recorded hers using Twitter from her phone, which was nice to see. I wonder how mobile microblogging could be used for other art-related events…


And photos are slowly going up here.

Nice piece of psychogeography people!


  1. Paul Conneally

    As well as the pool of photos you can also see the different sets of photos from individual Invigilators here:

    The workshop discussion which was integral to this piece was really interesting – we were joined by Gavin Wade (who chickened out on the actual invigilation – too cold) who asked us who would play Nikki and myself in the Hollywood film of ‘INVIGILATOR’ – we didn’t answer any questions that were asked of us by anyone – but spun a screwdriver to see who would answer on our behalf – Rob Hewitt answered for us and we are now in negotiations with Roy Chubby Brown and Angelina Jolie.

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