Homegrown Podcast

Nic Treadwell wrote (bloody ages ago actually – sorry!) about his Homegrown Podcast where he’s been featuring artists form Birmingham and elsewhere for a couple of years now. He’s interested in doing interviews / features with folk in his Rowly Regis studio. Get in touch at nic [at] homegrownpodcast.co.uk

links for 2008-03-21

Fierce! on Facebook Fierce have a new Facebook group. If you’re using Facebook for notifications of stuff you should join. (tags: facebook fierce festival) New company aims to promote good live music in Birmingham Long Birmingham Mail profile of Freakin Legend Promotions who are putting on gigs at Island Bar. http://myspace.com/freakinlegendpromotions (tags: freakinlegend music gigs … [Read more…]

Herring Blood

Amusing error in the (quite lovely) current MAC program which made me smile: Which gives me the excuse to remind you that the MAC is closing for 18 months of refurb on April 7th – that’s just over a fortnight away – and they’re going out with a bang with some cool stuff on right … [Read more…]

Moseley CDT gets £300k overhaul

At the Moseley Creative Forum meeting last night (at which I was on the panel) the chair, Steve Harding, mentioned that the Community Development Trust which owns/runs the building had secured £300,000 of funding to completely renovate the main ground floor space. What was interesting was what they intend to do with it. After the … [Read more…]

links for 2008-03-20

John Mostyn’s Blog John’s on a roll at the moment with his new-ish blog. One to keep tabs on, especially if you’re in the music biz (tags: blogs music mostyn) Millennium Point floor numbers to change Out with G2, G1, G0, L1, L2, L3. In with something that actually makes sense. Sanity! (tags: millenniumpoint logic … [Read more…]

Diplo Florida

Currently topping the Clipstar Animation category, this lovely piece of work by Birmingham agency Warblefly. Here’s their Animation Forum profile which is where I heard about it (though I think I saw a preview on another blog a while back).

Birmingham Frequencies

October 4th 1997 saw a performance by Higher Intelligence Agency and Biosphere, aka Bobby Bird and Geir Jenssen, on the 12th floor of the Rotunda entitled Birmingham Frequencies. on this night, two hundred & fifty people went up into the rotunda for the first time, to hear a soundtrack by geir jenssen & bobby bird, … [Read more…]

Moseley Creative Forum, Wednesday

Oops, in all the excitement I clean forgot to tell anyone about this. I’ll be one of the speakers or whathaveyou at the Moseley Creative Forum event tomorrow. I’ve no idea what I’ll be talking about, which is usually for the best, but will be on hand for chats and stuff should you want to … [Read more…]