Perky Bra

Graphiquillan blogs: The idea for these button badge mock-ups came as a result of a number of experiences since I moved to Birmingham. The theme: the oddities of interpretations of place names in Birmingham derived from typos, spell-check suggestions, mispronunciations and adolescent mischief. The full set, should you want to turn them into badges yourself, … [Read more…]

links for 2008-02-25

Disablity Film Festival “Wolverhampton’s Light House Media Centre will play host to the first Disability Film festival to be held in the city from 18th – 20th April 2008” (tags: film wolverhampton events lighthouse) Spaghetti Gazetti: West Midlands Top of the Pops A list of pop-tastic classics with connections to the West Mids that are … [Read more…]

XLAB:VL Photos

Matt Murtagh’s photos from Project X Presents’ XLAB:VL are up. Lovely as ever, but shame about the irritating Flash-based gallery. On the plus side, Matt has a blog.


RobotGirl is an art project by Ana Benlloch: a series of performances where the audience interact with the character in various guises. Sometimes RobotGirl is a person trying to be an android; sometimes she lives in text; sometimes she is a doll or an animated character.

Insectoid videos

Some Insectoid videos have been brought to my attention after the recent post. Here’s a nice piece of recently uploaded glitch entitled Class: Insecta: And here’s a recording of them on the green at 2006’s Artsfest: More on the Insectoid Hive Mind channel.

Printmaking symposium recording

Over on the Ikon site there’s a 1hr45m recording of a symposium on printmaking that took place on Feb 20th. Ikon and Birmingham City University School of Art co-hosted a lively roundtable discussion about the nature of contemporary printmaking. The implications of digital technology were considered not just in terms of production, but also its … [Read more…]

King Alfred Promotions

Paul Geary introduces King Alfred Promotions, a new-ish outfit run by David Bunn and Anthony Harper for whom he did the following: They launched last April and are apparently working on establishing themselves a bit more in the city. The MySpace, it be here.