Printmaking symposium recording


Over on the Ikon site there’s a 1hr45m recording of a symposium on printmaking that took place on Feb 20th.

Ikon and Birmingham City University School of Art co-hosted a lively roundtable discussion about the nature of contemporary printmaking. The implications of digital technology were considered not just in terms of production, but also its possible impact on the meaning of printed artwork.

Ikon’s Director, Jonathan Watkins was joined on the panel by artists Tim Maguire and Christiane Baumgartner, Tessa Sidey (Curator, Prints and Drawings Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery), Frank Bordas (studio Frank Bordas) and Jeremy Lewison (Independent Curator).

Can’t find a download link so you’ll have to listen to it from your computer but this is a fantastic development for Ikon.

Pic taken from Ikon, labeled “Tim Maguire Studio. Work in progress”