Ballet on the Buses

Photos from Ballet on the Buses are starting to appear. Here are mine (including the above), these are Matt Murtagh’s and Candice Smith has a few. There were loads of cameras out there (including, I noticed, a rather nice Leica, but I digress) so if you have any shots or even video online leave a … [Read more…]

Pride Parade

I was just making a note to go photograph the Birmingham Gay Pride Parade on Sunday when it occurred to me it easily fits under the umbrella of the performing arts, which makes it fodder for this blog. So here’s the route. They’ll start gathering at Victoria Square at noon with the parade running from … [Read more…]

Fierce: Ballet on Buses is a good thing

I went to the Ballet on the Buses today in Victoria Square and can heartily recommend it, especially if you get into the bus itself so make sure you get there early-ish for a ticket. The proximity to the dancers is quite the experience and the general oddness of the performance, especially when they move … [Read more…]

Fierce: Platinum

How’s your Fierce Festival going? I’m already finding I’m missing stuff, such as the first two Cesare Pietroiusti events at the Ikon, and there’s still a good fortnight to go. One thing I have managed to see is the Platinum showcase at Curzon Street Station which is also on Wednesday 23rd should you be free … [Read more…]

Fierce: Franko B

The Fierce Festival kicks off this weekend with a somewhat dazzling array of events, the highlight for me being the return of Franko B with his new performance piece Don’t Leave Me This Way. Don’t Leave Me This Way marks a challenge in Franko B’s performance practice, formalizing his recent departure from blood-based work. In … [Read more…]

Fierce: Opening Party

The Fierce Festival Opening Party is this coming Friday at the Cotton Club (previously 52 Degrees North) on Hurst St. It’s free entry but you’re asked to email them to say you’re going. This might be part of the entertainment for the evening, put on by Gob Squad who’ll be performing their Who Are You … [Read more…]

Artsfest 07 announced

Artsfest 2007, the tenth Artsfest in Birmingham, has been announced for the weekend of 14th – 16th September. ArtsFest is looking for artists and groups from Birmingham and the West Midlands to join with us in creating a vibrant cultural spectacle that profiles the wealth of talent and diversity within the city and region. Those … [Read more…]

Hiphoppodrome brings news of the Breakin’ Convention 07 which is coming to the Hippodrome on the 15th and 16th May as part of a UK tour. Witness the most incredible line up of poppers, lockers, house dancers, b-boys and b-girls, from the diverse world of Hip Hop dance. From pioneering artists to new skool visionaries, … [Read more…]