What Reality Estate is all about

I had a good chat with Sandra Hall of Friction Arts about a variety of things recently, one of which is the ambitious and unique Reality Estate project that starts in the Five Ways Estate on October 28th. Beyond the basic numbers (“300 participants, 3 venues, 3 professional, 3 community and 3 estate-led choirs, an … [Read more…]

Bleep and Grind

Here’s a video: It was found on the MySpace of Cloud Cuckoo Land who describe it as a “psychedelic robot musical” which ran at the Edinburgh Fringe for two weeks last year. It was filmed and edited by Scott Johnson aka filmficciones70 and the music was by Matt Eaton of Pram and Micronormous. There appear … [Read more…]

Pudelskern update

Update on the mysterious Pudelskern collective. They’ll be in Brindley Place from midday to 5pm Tuesday through Thursday. You are advised to “take your lunch and prepare for a comfortable experience.”

Fierce TV

Not sure when this happened, maybe it’s old news, I dunno, but I’ve just discovered there’s a whole gamut of video from the Fierce Festival on their site, combining recordings of the events as they happened with interviews with the artists. Lovely. found on…

Decibel programme up

The programme of events for the Decibel Performing Arts Showcase is online. It runs from September 3rd to 7th and full details are here. I could be wrong but I think these are only open to paid-up delegates, in which case you’ll be wanting to register before the end of this month and save £50 … [Read more…]

Invented Instruments

There’s something about the phrase “Piece for Large Metal Sheet” that just makes this a mildly unmissable event. Takes place on Wednesday 27th June, 6.30pm in the entrance foyer of the Department of Art, Margaret Street as part of New Generation Arts. Which I guess means New Generation Arts is starting soon. More info on … [Read more…]

Fierce: The Long and Winding Road

Just a quick post (more later). This event jumped out at me from the Fierce programme as being pretty intriguing. And free. Fierce Youth Panel commission: The Long and Winding Road A large part of Fierce’s ethos is to hand power over to the audience and open up access to challenging contemporary art. Nowhere is … [Read more…]