Fierce: The Long and Winding Road

Just a quick post (more later). This event jumped out at me from the Fierce programme as being pretty intriguing. And free.

Fierce Youth Panel commission: The Long and Winding Road

A large part of Fierce’s ethos is to hand power over to the audience and open up access to challenging contemporary art. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the formation of the Fierce! Youth Panel. A group of twenty young people from four Birmingham secondary schools (Handsworth Grammar, Harborne Hill Secondary, Queensbridge and St Albans Schools), the Fierce! Youth Panel have spent the last two years visiting contemporary arts events and organisations in order to seek out a work to commission for the festival. After a process of shortlisting and interviewing entirely undertaken by the Youth Panel themselves, they have decided to commission and produce ‘The Long and Winding Road’ by Nottingham-based artist Michael Pinchbeck. A five minute one-on-one performance, ‘The Long and Winding Road’ takes place inside a graffiti-covered car which Pinchbeck drove from Nottingham to Liverpool. It has been a highly personal and emotional journey for Pinchbeck as it was in Liverpool that his brother died in an accident in 1998. In memorial of his brother Pinchbeck packed the car with 350 objects wrapped in string and brown paper and each given its own unique car registration number – the significance of which the artist will be explaining to each individual who steps inside the car for this intimate and affecting performance.

Takes place at the Ikon Gallery on Saturday June 2nd, 12 – 5pm. You need to book in advance on 244 8084.