Reality Estate videos

A couple of videos have been released from the Reality Estate project that took place at Five Ways earlier in the month. The first is a musical walk though the show (if you can call it a “show”): The second is a slideshow of the feedback tickets left in the Five Ways roundabout: My for-what-it’s-worth … [Read more…]

Doorwonderland returns

Whatsthebigmistry‘s Doorwonderland, which was one of my personal highlights of the Fierce Festival this year, is returning to Birmingham on November 28th and 29th. More details on the Custard Factory blog.

Project X setup

Marc Reck points to photos of yesterday’s final setup for Project X Presents. More here. If you’ve got your Gigbeth wristband you can get into the dress rehersal tonight and some tickets are still available on the door tomorrow for the show proper. A year in the making, by all accounts. Should be good. If … [Read more…]

Reality Estate happened

Reality Estate took place last night at Five Ways. It was, well, I found it rather indescribable. I think the highlight for me was standing in the middle of the estate while the singers moved around me. But I’m at a loss to put the experience into words. They don’t seem worthy enough. Well done … [Read more…]

Wings of Desire

As part of Project X Presents m’chum Matt Murtagh will be accompanying Einstellung‘s set with a series of photos based on Wim Wender’s Wings of Desire. He’s posted three of them on Flickr. Project X Presents takes place on Saturday 3rd November and tickets are £15/20 from here.

More Trav

A couple of items about the La Traviata opera have appeared online. John Mostyn writes about his experience being part of the chorus and then one of the actors and there’s another video on YouTube, this time about the rehearsals. Previously on CiB