Fierce: Platinum

How’s your Fierce Festival going? I’m already finding I’m missing stuff, such as the first two Cesare Pietroiusti events at the Ikon, and there’s still a good fortnight to go.

One thing I have managed to see is the Platinum showcase at Curzon Street Station which is also on Wednesday 23rd should you be free during the day, and I can very much recommend it because it’s just the sort of event I’d expect from the Fierce Festival, very accessible, quite challenging and a lot of fun.

The only thing is, to describe it would in some ways spoil it. What I most liked was how I went in completely blind, not knowing what was on or who was doing it. This really worked with the pieces as they’re about journeys and discoveries as you move around the rooms of the station never quite sure what’s going to happen next.

One thing to be aware of: there were no Fierce signs on the Station and the doors were shut so we initially assumed the events were cancelled. This is not the case so try and turn up on the hour and knock loudly. (That said, this lack of signage did add to the whole experience, that maybe the event wasn’t actually happening in that area of timespace. But I digress.) The whole thing is free, runs from 11am to 6pm (seeing all four events will take a couple of hours) and you get access to the basement of the Station.

The other reason for not describing the events is that I have a “no reviews” rule on this blog. If I do write reviews or commentary it’ll be on my own site and I expect I’ll do a big roundup when it’s all over. And if you’re writing about the festival do let me know as I’ll be posting a list here. (If you link to the Fierce website in your review I’ll pick you up from Technorati automagically, so make sure you link.)