
Hello, As Pete mentioned, I’m Danny and I will be your guest blogger for a while, I will be trying to give you all the Birmingham friendly creative news that I find, although my main priority will be not screwing up like deleting the internet, getting Pete sued into the ground, or accidentally starting a … [Read more…]

Moseley Creative Forum, Wednesday

Oops, in all the excitement I clean forgot to tell anyone about this. I’ll be one of the speakers or whathaveyou at the Moseley Creative Forum event tomorrow. I’ve no idea what I’ll be talking about, which is usually for the best, but will be on hand for chats and stuff should you want to … [Read more…]

Toilet Art

From Lord Harry of Palmer: Invitation to: SSSI – Sites of Social Special Interest No.3 Harbourne Victorian gents toilet. Join Harry Palmer on a pictorial survey of one of Birmingham’s last remaining Victorian still-in-use toilets Sat 22nd March 12-1pm. Meet outside Harbourne Library (top of the high street). Please bring a sketch pad and pens. … [Read more…]

Any more guests and we’ll open a hotel

Thanks to Julia for covering Created in Birmingham while I was away. However, on returning I’m still kinda stupid busy so, since he’d previously expressed an interest in doing this kind of blogging, have asked Danny Smith to have a go for a few days. We were in the pub Sunday and he was telling … [Read more…]

links for 2008-03-17

£9.2m funding to promote arts in Birmingham – Birmingham Post Major arts organisations in Birmingham are to get a three-year funding deal from the city council for the first time.Bodies including the CBSO, Birmingham Royal Ballet and the Birmingham Repertory Theatre will share a £9.2 million pot. (tags: funding CBSO BRB Rep theatre orchestra ballet) … [Read more…]

Do you del.icio.us?

Do you use the social bookmarking service del.icio.us? Do you come across links that might be of interest to Created in Birmingham readers? Can you really not be faffed to email me the link? If you can answer all these questions with a Yes then read on. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about … [Read more…]

Bearded magazine includes West Midlands music scene special

The current issue (PDF link) of Bearded magazine, includes a feature on the West Midlands music scene, more specifically Birmingham and Coventry. The feature is a handy round-up of the bands to watch as well as local promoters, venues, club nights and record shops. via Rich Batsford