Colour of Music

Photographer George Benson has a new website with a lovely new series of work, The Colour of Music. This series purely looks at the colour of the record sleeves grouping all records by colour alone. In this way the genres of music were mixed with techno standing next to hiphop next to rock next to … [Read more…]

Artsfest deadline next week

“Everybody who wishes to take part in ArtsFest must complete an application form and submit it by 28th March 2008.” That’s next Friday.

Endurance at Vivid

A programme of events around the theme Endurance starts on the 24th of April and runs until the 26th at Vivid. Endurance is a three-day programme of screenings, performances and exhibition exploring the physical and mental limits of human endurance There really are a lot of events to investigate, even if you can find the … [Read more…]

Homegrown Podcast

Nic Treadwell wrote (bloody ages ago actually – sorry!) about his Homegrown Podcast where he’s been featuring artists form Birmingham and elsewhere for a couple of years now. He’s interested in doing interviews / features with folk in his Rowly Regis studio. Get in touch at nic [at]

links for 2008-03-21

Fierce! on Facebook Fierce have a new Facebook group. If you’re using Facebook for notifications of stuff you should join. (tags: facebook fierce festival) New company aims to promote good live music in Birmingham Long Birmingham Mail profile of Freakin Legend Promotions who are putting on gigs at Island Bar. (tags: freakinlegend music gigs … [Read more…]

Herring Blood

Amusing error in the (quite lovely) current MAC program which made me smile: Which gives me the excuse to remind you that the MAC is closing for 18 months of refurb on April 7th – that’s just over a fortnight away – and they’re going out with a bang with some cool stuff on right … [Read more…]

This Method Acting

Enigmatically I just got sent this in the post, (click to embiggen) no explanation or anything, just the invite. But after a quick dig I came up with this, This new body of work is centered on notions of broken narratives. The work spans drawing, photography, video and sound, and is very much a departure … [Read more…]