Printmakers Reopens

Over the last few months Birmingham Printmakers have been relocating from the old Birmingham Artists building on Lee Bank to their new home at 90 Floodgate Street, Digbeth. The move has been documented by BPM member and technician Phil Wilkinson over January and February who also informs us the grand opening will take place on … [Read more…]

Through the taxi window

From abrinsky Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details. A bit of context

Toilet Survey

Harry Palmer’s Victorian Gentleman’s Toilet field trip looks to have been well attended judging by photos on Nikki Pugh’s blog. As well as Harry’s initial report more pictures are promised in the next issue of the Eccentric City but if you come across any evidence online do leave a comment and I’ll post it here. … [Read more…]

Stitches and Hos

The concept of knitting as a conciousness raising activity has interested me since I came across it at a Ladyfest years ago, so it’s good to see something similar happening here. You’ll have seen them at events like the Moseley Folk Festival and now they have their own monthly meet in the back room of … [Read more…]

links for 2008-03-22

Magenta “Magenta is an all female group specialising in close harmony a cappella singing.” Based in Birmingham with some audio samples on the site. (tags: singing music magenta choir) Moseley Arts Market Takes place alongside the Farmers Market on the 4th Sat of each month. Which is today! (tags: moseley market selling arts) Creative Shropshire … [Read more…]

ArtsFest has a blog

Usually I just put these notices in the bulleted links but this one’s worth noting in it’s own post. A few weeks back I had a chat over tea with Emily and Elise, the two, yes two, people who run the entirety of ArtsFest about how they might use blogs and that to help the … [Read more…]

British Glass Biennale

The British Glass Biennale is taking place in Stourbridge from 22 August to 28 September. Entries have to be in by March 28th. The British Glass Biennale is the foremost exhibition of excellence in contemporary glass by artists, designers and craftspeople currently working in Britain. Taking place every two years at the Ruskin Glass Centre … [Read more…]