Follow Me Down

Poppy And The Jezebels are moving fast, or maybe I’m just too old to keep up. They’ve got an album out (pictured above) which you can buy in shops or from Amazon and there’s a wee feature on BBC Birmingham including a short video report.

Moseley Folk Updates

You might have noticed Trish Keenan of Broadcast wandering around the Moseley Folk Festival last year with a Super-8 movie camera. Here’s the resulting footage. Broadcast have a new album out in August, The Future Crayon, on Warp records. There’s a bit of Moseley Folk news to report. They’ve booked Nizlopi as a headline act … [Read more…]

Saturday Night at The Queens

There’s a nice article on BBC Birmingham about Saturday Night at The Queens, an acoustic music night at the Queens Arms on Newhall St. “Essentially what we’re trying to do is create a platform for the song-writing community in Birmingham,” Tom explained. “Putting it on a Saturday night and getting rid of the standard three-pound … [Read more…]

Surface Ends

With the post-Supersonic comedown I can hopefully be forgiven for forgetting about the Surface Unsigned Final that took place on Sunday at the Custard Factory. But take place it did with twelve bands in the running and the results are as follows: Best Band of the Festival: The Brascoes 2nd Place Band: Regis 3rd Place … [Read more…]

Que Club returns

30-something ex-ravers are getting very excited over on Facebook over the news that the Que Club is re-opening with the first event being the next Drop Beats Not Bombs on September 14th. Here’s the reminiscences Facebook group but this other one links to, though it’s just a holding page right now, and states: ITS … [Read more…]

Gigbeth on the “beach”

A bright spot on the seemingly terminal “entertainment” schedule on the Bullring Beach (no, not the one by the library. The other one) is a special Gigbeth event this lunchtime. Nizlopi, Vijay Kishore, The Priory and The JD will be playing from 11.15am ’til about three on the sand outside St Martin’s Church. If you’re … [Read more…]

Shoot The Freak

The Big Bang launch their debut album Shoot The Freak at the Sunflower Lounge this Friday 20th. From their blog: We’ve written, played, completed and worked on over 100 songs over recent years. Some never making past infancy, some achieving ‘Oh god I wish they’d give this song a rest!’ status. But we’ve now completed … [Read more…]