Surface Ends

Photo of The Brascoes snarfed from the Surface website.With the post-Supersonic comedown I can hopefully be forgiven for forgetting about the Surface Unsigned Final that took place on Sunday at the Custard Factory. But take place it did with twelve bands in the running and the results are as follows:

Best Band of the Festival: The Brascoes

2nd Place Band: Regis

3rd Place Band: Clout

4th Place Band: Jazz Thrash Assassin

You’ll remember this all started in March with 29 gigs at the Actress, followed by some more gigs, and possible some more on top of that, I forget, before ending up here. Was it worth it? Well, if nothing else the bands have gotten some practice, exposure and networking opportunities on the way and they do push the “industry relevance” of the competition. I guess the proof will be whether those names up there seem familiar in a year or so.

But whatever the results it’s always good to see a mad idea well executed, so congrats to all involved and best of luck in 2008 when the thing goes national. “300 nights of live music involving over 5,000 musicians from across the UK” apparently. Eek!

Photo of The Brascoes snarfed from the Surface website.