Shoot The Freak

The Big Bang launch their debut album Shoot The Freak at the Sunflower Lounge this Friday 20th. From their blog:

We’ve written, played, completed and worked on over 100 songs over recent years. Some never making past infancy, some achieving ‘Oh god I wish they’d give this song a rest!’ status. But we’ve now completed our DEBUT album. (Any of those D.I.Y CDs you bought still contain different versions to all the tracks on the album. Lucky you.).

To some the album may seem like a ‘best of’ or ‘greatest hits that never were’. But these songs required a home, else they ran the risk of wandering around getting lost in the ether when we make new toys to play with.

So here we are. Shoot the Freak, for your listening pleasure. We are grateful to anyone who’s helped us over the years leading up to our first ‘proper’ record and cannot wait to meet new fans out there.

They’ll be playing the entire album live at the launch gig along with DJ support from the Coldrice kids. (The album might actually be put out by Coldrice but the edges between them and the band are kinda blurry so I can’t be sure.)

news via Birminghamusic