Saturday Night at The Queens

There’s a nice article on BBC Birmingham about Saturday Night at The Queens, an acoustic music night at the Queens Arms on Newhall St.

“Essentially what we’re trying to do is create a platform for the song-writing community in Birmingham,” Tom explained.

“Putting it on a Saturday night and getting rid of the standard three-pound cover charge gets people through the door and exposes them to the people we think are very good and they deserve someone to bring an audience to them and show how talented they are.”

Paul took over: “What we’re saying is that there may well be artists in Birmingham who don’t have that following and it’s our responsibility to bring the audience to them.

“We’re helping to develop the artists; we’ll take photographs of them, so they can market themselves better, and record the gig live so they can listen back afterwards.”

I like that idea of building a community around the event. It’s also nice to see they’ve researched the musical history of the pub and work with that rather than just dumping a stage in the middle.

It takes place every Saturday from 8pm and entry is free.