Que Club returns

Methodist Central Hall30-something ex-ravers are getting very excited over on Facebook over the news that the Que Club is re-opening with the first event being the next Drop Beats Not Bombs on September 14th. Here’s the reminiscences Facebook group but this other one links to centralhallbirmingham.co.uk, though it’s just a holding page right now, and states:

ITS BACK – under new ownership and Management – expect to see the biggest names in the business back at the newly refurbished Que Club in Central Hall.

So I guess plans to convert it into flats / offices fell through. It’ll be interesting to know who’s now running it and what they have planned. Is it just a club venue or will there be gigs and concerts too? A competitor to the Academy would be a good thing I feel, especially give they’ll be closing (and hopefully relocating) in a few years.

Compared to the (justified) pomp and fanfare of the Town Hall refurb this seems to be having a very quiet launch. Any light that can be shed would be welcome.

Photo by Richard R


  1. Bobbie

    I spoke to the owner yesterday and maybe too eagerly bombarded him with curious questions. Thing is, because I spoke to him through work- I doubt I can mention who he is without getting a smack. What I can say is that they have ambitious/interesting plans for the place.

    It does seem rather understated the re-opening! Very quiet!

  2. Ooh, very mysterious!

    Of course what you should have done is emailed me the info as an anonymous source which I could then print as informed speculation. But you’ve kinda blown your cheese now, as it were.

  3. Paddy

    Just got the news! very excited cant wait till i am getting lost and finding another area to shake my ass.I bet you they aint touched the place, bet i find my coat or some little ones i lost 5 years ago. central hall here we come! come on sundissential book it up once a month please.

  4. mellow

    proper chuffed at this news gutted when it closed this is great news 4 the brum club scene.OI OI lets make some noise 4 the return of a legend.

  5. the legend returns, plenty of “over 30 ” ravers cant wait, a new generation is waiting in the wings to experience the finest techno venue in the country…..by far..

  6. ganjaman1982

    cant wait rasta first went there at 14 in 1996 birminghams club scene died a massive death with its premise looking forward to c all my dnb soldiers the legend lives on!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. lisa

    This is the best news I have in ages, i still cant quite beleive it to be honest, wont until I’m back there on the balcony dancing till the sun comes up once again! YAAAAAYYYY!

  8. Andy Q

    Ahhhh lets hope DBNB is just the first of many late nighters! And Rich I take offence to the “30-something ex-ravers” I mereley was on a rave sabbatical!

  9. julie

    I cant believe Que club is opening again. To me it was the best venue ever. I have been to so many drum and bass events through the years and there is no venue like que club. It will really feel like coming home. FLASHBACK at the que club would be amazing so fingers crossed. Cant wait to get lost in the que club. xxx

  10. The Que Club is back!!!! I was savin’ up to buy an apartment there just to be under the same roof as I’d spent many euphoric nights worshiping the beat! LEGEND of a place! C’mone Danny, Atomic Jam here I come!!

  11. vicky

    cant believe que club is re openin flashback and slammin vinyl was the best eva i spent the best nights of my life at que club and hope to spend many more

  12. Vicci

    Am so excited about this will definately be making the trip back from Manchester to come here and relive my youth!!! We just need Atomic Jam to be there once a month…..Pure genius,…. just as I was thinking about calming down as well

  13. Jazz

    seriously big smiles at this great news having loved every night i ever spent there going to virtually everything that was on for about 3 years, hope to catch up with some of the old heads, please please bring back THE JAM and FLASHBACK two of the best nights ever! Keep the peace feel the love, full on flat out fall over…. Yes!!!

  14. da juice

    To the gang Pezza, Tezza, Dexter, Pete and my baby James. Still cant believe the gang are gonna be at the Que club again. No venue has EVER compared to the Que club and never will. Those were the best nights of our life and i cant wait for our first mashed up gang photo. Raveology on the 1st of december! first drum and bass night at the Que club, oh my god cant wait xxxx

  15. yes da juice! come back 4 da Q club!! its been a few years, can’t wait 4 sum dnb @ da Q, hope its still da same inside, ur right best raves eva!!!!

  16. Si Little

    Can’t wait to see the old Jam lot. I thought it would never happen! Dirty techno where it belongs in a filthy cathedral, COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. dj lette & mc saz (colette & sarah lol)

    this deffo in the top 5 of ‘best news this year so far’ big up mc lenni – we would love 2 see u there 2!! we cant wait for raveology on 1st dec!!
    anyone going the opening on the 14th – check out the samba band, keepin it in the family!!!
    cos this is how we roll………..

  18. jon

    i couldnt believe it 2day wen i was drivin into town and saw the adverts for the relaunch party! thats wy im here checkin its true! ive only been a handful of times, then it closed. nothin has ever come close to the legend that is this place! bring on slammin!!!

  19. julie

    So wounded that the first event at the legendary Que club is not Drum and Bass. Although there will be D&B at Drop Beats it will not be in the main room and thats where it is the best. If you are not dancing to the tunes you are sitting up in the balcony listening to them. so as hard as it is i am going to wait till December 1st when it is pure Drum and Bass. xx

  20. julie

    My baby, cant believe we met at Drum and Bass and although we always compare stories about all the wicked times we had at the Que club,probably even being at the same events but never met. Now at last we will be going together baby a proper dream come true you me Drum and Bass and most of all the Que club. xxxx Ps Mc lennie your still a legend.

  21. Gaz T

    bring back flashback the best night of my life and can only remeber half of them. Mc Lennie & mo sort it out out flashbck new years eve

  22. Vix

    So who’s going to the relaunch weekend??

    DBNB on Friday and B2Vicious on Saturday…I’m into my hard dance and hardcore so B2T for me!

    Can’t wait this is so gonna knock for hard dance scene for six!!

  23. gang leader

    can’t wait either the que club has re-opened @ just the right time 4 me as it’ll now be my comeback nite as me and my boyfriend Dexter have had no D&B for a year now due 2 having a baby. The gang won’t know whats hit them when me & Dexter are back!!
    so Julie, Faye, Alix its not long now till the leader is back! I don’t know how u’v all managed 2 get through all those raves without ur leader. Espesially u faye, living it up long time gal.

  24. Eh, G.L, I can always make it thru a rave as long as dere’s DnB! it ent been da same wiv out u an Dex tho. an u betta move off ya spot 4 a come-back pic dis time!!! XX

  25. sipina charles

    hya people,

    yeh wen q club 4 drop beatz an b2t drop beatz was wicked b2t woz k but bit ov a let down the buildinz mad fucin huge lol!! don’t lool lik dey did much cleanin 2 me the place iz dirty man wen i sat dwn got up an ad al dust on me lol!

    anyway roll on raveology in dec

    yeh sum1 died in der didnt dey get in2 the town fing an fall through da floor boards ?

    yeh iz der gona b a flash bac der?


  26. Jacq

    Went there on sat for Uproar- was absoltley wicked- wanted to go to tis clunb for years but it got shut down b4 I got chance. Was everything my mates had told me- so glad it reopened and I had the opportunity to rave in one of the best venues!!

  27. Frodo

    Where can I find listings 4 the Q club?? Its the best club eva – gotta go back before it closes again!!

  28. Que club is the best club going if you like underground raves,it wont be in full swing until ATOMIC JAM is back where it belongs at the temple of techno,prob not until next year but all the old regulars have waited long enough a few more months wont hurt,i think Danny is waiting to do it proper rather than rushing in !


  29. Stevo

    Went to Spektrum @ the q last night, was good, but not as acrazy as years gone by. The bouncers were god awful, you couldnt even dance on a 1 foot podeum and thte upstairs wasnt open where you used to be able to look down on the night in full flow. So, in retaliation to the chavvy bouncers, I personally led 3 stage invasions.

  30. Peevs

    Man,the last time i hit the que club i was a slim single dude with no responsibility. Now a little heavier, with wife and child……who cares, let me in i wanna dance my big fat ass off til i drop………yyyyyyyyeeeeeeehhhhhhhaaaaa new years eve isnt the same without a bit of piano house !!!!

  31. emma

    the best nights of my youth were spent raving at the que club. The que has a special place in my heart. We need our flashback’s back! 4 times a year at least.all the old favorites!not forgettin mickey finn!!excellent news!keep us treated.

  32. Nelly

    OMG!! The Q Club as it’s now known, have so many memories of this place right back to being in the scouts and marching through birmingham on St. Georges Day to a special service held in it before it was a club. But my fondest memories are definitely FLASHBACK @ THE QUE CLUB!Please bring it back, we need our Old Skool!!!

  33. Saf1


  34. Kelly

    I was so excited when I heard about the legendary Que club reopening but in reality it is a disappointment have tickets for Harmony tonight but sadly am not going in the fear of MAJOR trouble it is the first Harmony since 2002 it has been hyped so much there is gonna be pure drama lets face it people don’t know how to behave nowadays, not like back in the day when it was all about the music. Would love to go but it just isn’t worth all of the hassle people know will be there VERY surprised police haven’t locked the night off tho especially it being a garage event watch this space tho ticket holders it isn’t too late for it all to go pear shaped. Hope people can prove me wrong and if this one goes well will defo go to the next come on Jason you can’t make this the last one.

  35. Col

    Harmony was locked down at 1am, i was working there, we were locked in for a while as the streets were cleared outside…we heard rumours of people rushing the doors (taking ages to get folks thru security), and also of gunshots (i think this is probably bulls**t tho as no mention on the news).
    Lets hope this night wont affect the clubs licence because we’ve had some great house type nights on there recently, would be a shame to lose such a good venue.




    Truss me dere were shots poppin and not just once, we were outside for an hour from 11.30 everyone outside could hear them – thats why so many peeps walked away (the older ones with sense)especially when the ambulances & dogs came

    The clu is in the name it’s HARMONY half these kidz dont even know bout Harmony back in the days or that it’s strictly about raving.
    To be fair Q Club is partly to blame – why have a revolving door for a rave?? It’s not the Hilton, obvious there was gonna be carnage when they were taking an excessively long time to get anyone through – it was snowing!! No excuses for the yout that totally wrecked the night we’d been waiting for tho. All outlets are refunding tho as Trading Standards has now got involved


  38. HARMONY 5th April 2008 QClub Birmingham Trouble


    People where do I start.So many basic things was wrong with this event you had to see it to believe it. The only good point was the police-present at the event, could of done more but if they were not there GOD knows what would have happened.

    I was very apprehensive before this event, as I have been to many Garage events like TwiceAsNice @Club collossuem; Works (Kingston) & The End, and BackTo95 @ministry of sound, back in the day. But I thought with such a Big Event being it Garage back in the day and knowing how trouble is usually connected with big garage events in the past and the amount it cost for tickets. That QClub and Harmony will make the effort of making sure this was an organised; professional & Safe event. Unfortunately I discovered they were unprofessional and basically out of their depth :-O

    NO Dress Code…What happened in making people make an effort shoes; no jeans; no sportswear rather than people looking like they have come from the local Youth centre just down the road? Having a smart Dress Code is a usual dress code that is used by many other clubs to deter possible trouble makers. But is no means full proof.

    Even when they stated no hoods on flyer an tickets I saw loads of guys in the event wearing Hoods – Where was the discipline from Q-Club on the Door?

    Last entry before 1am on ticket was a bad move, the event was supposed to finish at 6am. As I can imagine people must of thought OMG its fast approaching 1am hence an increase in trouble was inevitable and the locking OFF of the Event.

    Longer line of Queuing gates to vastly reduced over crowding near the entrance was required. Had one guy old enough to be my Granddad trying to Hold part of the gates near the entrance, to try and stop the crowd rushing the door. Was this part of the security QClub were talking about?

    Event started at 9pm yet people didn’t get in until 11pm …Shocking!
    Gone are the days when you have a big event and a club need to show off that they are having a big event by purposely delaying the Queue to entice people on road to pay on the door. This only made the crowd in the queue more restless and further increased the frustration in the crowd with ongoing queue pushing.

    Tickets were for over 18s (over 18s OMG) Did the promoters and Club have any history about the event in the past surely this should of been an over 23 event at least, if this was to be a true harmony event.

    Whole thing was money making (£30 on the Door :-O please!)…We were duped, left right and sinker. Every person who went to this event should be refunded regardless if it was 3hrs or 5mins should be refunded (Found it strange how they didn’t give you back the ticket stubs as proof of entry?) .
    Went to get a drink J2O £3 and the food stand was selling Burger and chips for a shocking £6 am I in Birmingham Q-club or London’s China White’s nightclub?
    Throw in £2 for the cloakroom for one item and you get the picture.

    You have dumb bouncers telling the people who are getting crushed at the front to pushback 400 people who are pushing from behind, just silly.

    Police watching standing and doing nothing for at least 15mins while people were getting crushed, girls screaming and a number of women crying. When the police finally stepped in it was far too late POOR! They had presents but no authority!

    When I was the unlucky few to get in at 12:45am The place was embarrassingly empty, the search was very quick and thorough and I could NOT understand the hold up as usually in some venues the hold up is due to the cloakroom being near to the entrance, which usually builds up a Queue inside the venue hence causes delay outside the club. But the cloakroom was far away from the entrance on the 1st floor with no Queue so the delay outside was totally unnecessary.Must of been in the main room for no more than 25mins then the sound of the music decreases (then OFF) and the lights came on (I knew it was locked off from then). There were a couple of fights inside the Club and bouncers running like headless chickens at times. The bouncers soon ushered us to the exits doors and I asked one why has this event been locked off and he told me LIVE “You See why when you see the shooter marks left outside”. Lower behold when I got outside I saw the evidence, the Police swat team and the whole of corporation street sealed off and blocked off by the police and their vans etc.

    Then the LONG Drive back to London, while it was pouring down with snow just made me MORE VEX! :-@

    A big shame as a lot of people Seem to want to hear some classic garage tunes and were in the mood to rave hard to 6am

    If you want the money then Harmony pay the security and Fix up (like dizzee rascal says) , as there is no doubt in my mind you put people’s LIVES at risk for your lack of organisation and preparation.

    This event has done so much damage I doubt if it will ever make another comeback :-(


  39. The Kyster

    110% agree with this guy it was poorly organised & i want my money back not 2 forget the police they didnt do anything ages then decided 2 wen it was 2 late & the way they treatd the ladie shuvin them like they were dudes (if we went on like that we’d easily get arrested by them) & offering dudes out & then tryin scare him off with his attack dog he tried 2 scare i had 2 stand ther & ask him if he fort i was fraid of dog. all round i was disgusted on how the whole night went on

  40. Little Helen

    Can’t wait til Atomic Jam is back at teh Q Club & we’ll be stomping on that Balcony again! One of the BEST techno venues ever – up there with the Orbit – YEAH x

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