Brumcast 70

Brumcast 70 is up with an hour of music from Birmingham musicians, all collated and curated by Little Chris. [audio:]

GDFAF Starts

The Going Deaf For A Fortnight fortnight has started with a review by Russ L of a night at the Flapper. If you’re going to any gigs over the next 14 days, review them on your blog and leave a note on the GDFAF blog.

Two Promoters

I really should blog more about the many small promoters that put on gigs around the city. This is the lifeblood of our music scene really, giving a platform for new bands and those that don’t necessarily fit the criteria of the established promoters. And because they’re usually done on a non-profit basis (or more … [Read more…]

Music Knowledge Exchange

Andrew Dubber writes about a new project starting in his department at UCE (sorry, BCU) – an “Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Knowledge Transfer Fellowship.” Thankfully Andrew translates this into English and it does look pretty interesting. The Fellowship project will buy out half of my time for two years, starting with in February, … [Read more…]