Digital Central research responses online

Hard to come up with a snappy title for this, but it’s a good one. Part of Digital Central‘s remit is to study what’s needed in the local music industry and report back to the AWM mothership. Recently they’ve been “a bunch of music industry types what they think of the current set up here … [Read more…]

Get well soon Ross

Get well soon Ross Lydon of skapunk band 360 who’s suffered a relapse of back troubles that had him in surgery earlier in the year. They were due to play Project X Presents and have been replaced by Dexter who I saw just the other day supporting Jeff Lewis and, in my opinion, were rather … [Read more…] at Music Live

If you’re going to Music Live at the NEC next weekend be sure and check out the area at stand P40 where they’re showcasing a whole swathe of acoustic acts from the region over the three days. Here’s the schedule.

Gigbeth Conference lineup

Digital Central has the Gigbeth conference line-up for the 1st of November. Speakers scheduled for the day are David Ashworth, Dan B, Andrew Dubber, Neil Emery, John Hemming, Anthony Hughes, Cliff Manning, John Mostyn, Matt Parsons, Tim Riches, Ben Sandbrook, Robert Sharl and Chris Thompson. Information about who these people are, with links to their … [Read more…]

Brumcast 72

Here’s Brumcast 72, as usual featuring an hour of music by some bands you know and and a whole bunch you don’t. Which is, of course, the point. [audio:]


Came across this guy while searching for the record shop of the same name and am rather glad I did. PolarBear classifies himself as “A’cappella / Hip Hop / Emo” on his MySpace. Based in Birmingham and London he did a couple of shows at the Rep last month (If I cover my nose you … [Read more…]

Make flyering MySpace a little less painful

Over the weekend I had two separate conversations with promoters (Al of Curates Egg and Rich from Project X) about MySpace, specifically how posting flyers into the comments of everyone in your Friends list is possibly the most tedious and long winded task ever inflicted on a human. Initially I smiled the smile of pity … [Read more…]