Capsule at the Town Hall

One of the nice things about the Town Hall Reopening Festival is how it manages to be representative of the city and inclusive without pandering to some tedious lowest common denominators by giving some of the smaller, more adventurous promoters the opportunity to use the platform alongside “the establishment”. The involvement of Soweto Kinch as … [Read more…]

Guitarfest this weekend. has news of Guitarfest, taking place at Cocks Moors Woods Leisure Centre this weekend. Saturday 13th is acoustic and Sunday 14th is electric.

Birmingham Gigs listings

A handy resource for those of you planning your Going Deaf For A Fortnight excursions – the Birmingham Gigs listings on MySpace are nice and up to date. Plenty of stuff I’ve never heard of to go and see.

Post Culture roundup

Some articles of interest from the Birmingham Post’s Culture section: Electronics fall victim to gremlins – a review of the opening night of the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group‘s autumn season. Pram raiders target the Town Hall is the rather odd title for a preview of the Pram, Modified Toy Orchestra, Shady Bard gig, or should … [Read more…]


Drumvoice is “a Birmingham based company that brings exciting hands-on West African drumming, singing and dance workshops to education and the community”. Lead by Sarah Westwood they do projects in schools and arts organisations as well as running a adult group, Drumvoice Orchestra, who perform at events like Artsfest.. Alongside this is The Rhythm Business … [Read more…]

Carbon Studios

Carbon Studios is a new music studio in Kings Norton (Cotteridge end) that opened recently. They offer space from £6.50 per hour and are doing special offers at the moment. More details on 0121 486 1141 or via MySpace.

CBSO welcomes Andris Nelsons

The CBSO today announced the appointment of Andris Nelsons as music director starting next year, taking over the post from Sakari Oramo (made famous by Lord Rattle of Simon). The CBSO does good podcasts so it’s no surprise there’s a half hour interview with him in the current edition. Click on the widget to listen … [Read more…]

La Traviata

You’ve probably seen the flyers and advertising for La Traviata taking place at the NIA on 25th and 26th October. I hadn’t given it much thought to be honest, assuming it to be a fleeting touring thing, but a smidgen of investigation reveals there to be a significant Birmingham connection. I know this because Marc … [Read more…]