Taylor John’s House

Paperjam reports that Taylor John’s House has won the best live venue Godiva Award. Taylor John’s is in Coventry, so outside the remit of this blog, but from what I hear they’re doing good work worthy of support in difficult circumstances. So if you find yourself there do check them out.

The Music Box

Digital Central’s Music Box is complete. A three booklet series of resources and advice for the music industry it’ll be distributed to delegates at the Gigbeth conference or you can get a copy direct from DC. There are also PDFs available to download from these links: Box 1: Making Money out of Music. Box 2: … [Read more…]

Improvise and Socialise

Improvise and Socialise is a “participatory Improvisation Skills workshop” being run as part of Gigbeth on Thursday, November 1st from 9:00pm at the Old Library in the Custard Factory. The only details I can find online are on Facebook (that link should work if you’re registered) but here’s the blurb and contact details. The ideal … [Read more…]

Reality Estate happened

Reality Estate took place last night at Five Ways. It was, well, I found it rather indescribable. I think the highlight for me was standing in the middle of the estate while the singers moved around me. But I’m at a loss to put the experience into words. They don’t seem worthy enough. Well done … [Read more…]

How to promote gigs

Dunc of Autumn Store on how to promote gigs. It turned out that bands I liked weren’t playing in Birmingham because I hadn’t booked them yet. I’m hoping to demystify the booking-and-promoting process a little bit, in the hope that more people will put bands that they like on in Birmingham too, because – as … [Read more…]

Brumcast 73

Just in time for the weekend, here’s Brumcast 73. [audio:http://ipodnetworks.com/podcast/363/1975_hifi.mp3]

Jesmond Villas

Autumnstore Dunc waxes lyrical about his recent find, acoustic singer-songwriter Jesmond Villas. It also appears that one R Howard is a nodal point of activity in this regard and should probably be paid attention to.