New Visit Birmingham site up for tender

Well, no sooner had I said goodbye to all that than I get a phone call from Marketing Birmingham at the airport. Suffice to say the phone is now off but this one’s worth posting immediately. (That and I’m stuck in Osaka airport with free wifi for the next five hours…) The Visit Birmingham website, … [Read more…]

Art for Chocolate

The Cadbury factory in Bournville is looking for some Art for its new building: The West Midlands’ best emerging artists are being given the chance to create works of art that will take permanent residence at Cadbury’s £30 million new office development in Bournville. Three new pieces of art, including a sculpture, photographic set and … [Read more…]

Northampton Arts

From the Foreign News desk: “Northampton Arts Collective (NAC) is looking for business partners within the creative sector to assist them in the refurbishment of their Arts Centre situated at the Fishmarket, Northampton. The refurbishment project is subject to a successful bid for funding, the outcome of which will be known by January 08.” More … [Read more…]

Culture Climate

Charlotte Carey went to the Cultural industries and Climate Change in the West Midlands conference and has kindly posted her notes.

Art at 0%

Audiences Central points us to Own Art, an intriguing Arts Council scheme where you can borrow up to £2000 interest free to buy some art.

Thomas Moronic

I’ve been following the Thomas Moronic blog for the last week or so trying to figure out how best to slot it into a handy little soundbite and have come to the conclusion that I can’t. And this, of course, is a fantastic thing. On the whole it seems to be random writings, short stories, … [Read more…]

Directors and Villages

The mighty D’log went to the Creativity and Creative Sectors, Clusters and Networks event at the Birmingham University Business School on Friday and wrote up his notes and impressions in three posts (one, two, three). A lot of it went over my poor head but a few things jumped out and raised an eyebrow. When … [Read more…]