4Talent bits and bobs

Cat Bray of 4Talent West Midlands sent through some links to new stuff on their site. 4Talent looks ahead to Reggae event BrumFest this Saturday with Moseley boys Jam Jah. The first in a series of 4Talent inspiration sessions podcasts going out every Wednesday for six weeks is onsite. This week we’re hearing about animation … [Read more…]

The News

A not-very-regular parsing of the Birmingham Post for relevant news items. Debt-ridden art firm closed down. You gotta love those headlines. It seems ArtSites, a community arts team based at the MAC and operating across the city, have had to close down after they found a £47,000 deficit in their accounts and funding from the … [Read more…]

Evening Commute

From H4NUM4N Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.

Birmingham Zombie Day

Attention pranksters, performance artists and people who just like doing stupid stuff. Birmingham Zombie Day is being mooted. Braaaaiiinnnzzzz…

Brummie of the Year

Voting for Brummie of the Year has started and runs for the rest of month. The creative industries (for want of a better umbrella term) are pretty well represented this year, which is good to see. Here’s the nominations that made it through with commentary from BiNS: Pete Ashton – blogging evangelist to the creative … [Read more…]

Terence Davies at the MAC

A neat day for film-types at the MAC on November 3rd when Terence Davies introduces his films Distant Voices, Still Lives and The House Of Mirth along with an audience Q&A run by Roger Shannon. It all runs from 2-7pm and a combined ticket for the whole thing costs £8. More details on the MAC … [Read more…]

Flickr Monday

An irregular but always enlightening trawl of the Birmingham Flickr pool. from ambientbuzzsaw from Stephen D Harper from nikonmule from suselstahl