NGA Reports

Too often with events in the city when they’re over there’s no motivation to record what happens, presumably because those involved are completely wiped out by the efforts of actually putting on the darn thing, not to mention moving on to projects new. So it’s nice to see reports starting to trickle into the New … [Read more…]

The Birmingham Tunnel

From Stephen D Harper Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.


From H4NUM4N Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.


From andrewknowles Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.


Over on the Iron Man Records blog Mark Badger reprints an essay from Bill Drummond, Pub back Rooms, concerning state funding and music. It’s a good read, as expected from Drummond, and I think pretty relevant to the situation in the West Midlands. B:INS reports on the Tunnel Vision installation that was part of Architecture … [Read more…]

Creative Entrepreneur course

Lauren Davies writes in with news of a free 2 day course from the Media Skills division of UCE, Explore You Inner Entrepreneur. Run by Annette Naudin the course “has been especially created for individuals working in the creative industries sector and will explore personal values, presentation skills, confidence and will include talks from inspiring … [Read more…]

Birmingham Artists funding – City Council responds.

Further to the Birmingham Artists funding issue I’ve received a statement from Birmingham City Council. “Over a year ago Birmingham City Council staff met with representatives from Birmingham Artists and explained that we may not always be in a position to keep on funding their rent and service charges, which in 2006/07 came to £55,600. … [Read more…]


The Stirrer has a couple of videos of Mick Scully talking about and reading from his new book Little Moscow, previously mentioned here. Iron Man Records has a blog Sarah Woods’ Box gets reviewed in the Guardian. (Previously blogged here) West Midlands No! has published a letter from an ex-employee of Advantage West Midlands written … [Read more…]