The Power Fifty

The Birmingham Post’s Power Fifty was announced yesterday listing those judged to have power and influence in the region. While as a neurotic boy outsider I have an instinctive distain for such enterprises it’s an interesting list given the dominance of the creative sector above the more traditional business and sport. As Stef Lewandowski (number … [Read more…]


If you’ve not checked it, the Supersonic Collective Memory post is growing at an astounding rate. So many videos! More Macbeth at the MAC from 1st August. I think from now on the MAC should only show productions of Macbeth. More seriously I’m told this production “is completely financed, organised, directed, edited, designed and acted … [Read more…]


From nobody knows anything Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.


Midwest is a local online community that “seeks to be a catalyst for creative thought and action to complement the development of artistic practice within the visual arts.” To be investigated. Document everything (you never know when you’re going to need it) is a guide aimed at musicians for keeping online journals of what you’re … [Read more…]

Arms, Hands & Faces

From suselstahl Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.

Supersonic ends

The audience somewhat mesmerized by Mogwai. The usual links roundup to follow once everyone’s recovered.

Supersonic begins

Otto Von Schirach close the Friday segment of Supersonic. There are no superlatives sufficient and there’s still Saturday to go. Thank you Lisa and Jenny. Thank you.


Did you know Antfest, “the first annual live Antmusic festival” featuring “the best Antmusic tribute acts in the world as well as new punk and established acts” took place in Birmingham last week? Truly we are at the centre of some universe or other. The Silver Footed Gig Slut listings are up with MySpace links … [Read more…]