NGA Reports

Too often with events in the city when they’re over there’s no motivation to record what happens, presumably because those involved are completely wiped out by the efforts of actually putting on the darn thing, not to mention moving on to projects new.

So it’s nice to see reports starting to trickle into the New Generation Arts website, though I suspect having the Birmingham Post as a sponsor and media partner helps with the generation of material. So far there’s a nice, if short, summary of the Big Debate and an intelligent review of the Queen’s Park Sinfonia:

“On this occasion the QPS also had the benefit of having Daniele Rosina as its conductor, himself a Conservatoire alumnus who is surely poised to achieve great things in the music world. His beat is easy and clear, movements are understated but commanding, and the musical-ity of his insights into scores uncovers details which so often pass by unnoticed.”

More to come hopefully.