Bang Flashmob

The next flash mob organised by Brumob is a “BANG” on December 5th at 2pm. Here are the instructions: 1) Gather at the location (to be revealed closer to the time) just before 2pm in a loose crowd. 2) At 2pm two members of the Brumob team will walk into the centre of the location … [Read more…]

What’s On In Brum relaunches

The events listings site What’s On In Brum has had an overhaul so I had a quick look. The listings are pretty normal, allowing you to search by day and type and to see what’s happening right now across a range of areas. The Venue Guide is pretty slick, giving you an aggregation based on … [Read more…]

Black Country Park

I’ve been putting off commenting on this whole vote for the Black Country Urban Park thing partly because I dislike the whole popularity TV vote way of deciding where money should be invested, especially at this sort of level, but also because as a cyclist I think the Sustrans bid is more worthy. But it’s … [Read more…]

Ivan Brackenbury

Rich Batsford uses his blog to plug a comedy gig at the Old Joint Stock Theatre featuring Reginald D Hunter (who recently took part in Project X) and new-to-me act Hospital Radio DJ Ivan Brackenbury aka BRWM and Kerrang DJ Tom Binns. But don’t hold that against him. Judging by this clip he’s quite odd … [Read more…]

Wilma Proops

Wilma Proops thinks she should be mentioned on the blog, according to this comment, and who am I to argue?

Curzon St Station to be boarded up

Interesting bit of news passed my way today. Bear in mind the usual disclaimers of hearsay and gossip but I have it on damn good authority that Curzon St Station is to be boarded up and not used for any events until it’s permanent future is decided, something that could take a number of years. … [Read more…]

Interview with Rob Elliot

Councilor Martin Mullaney interviews graffiti artist Rob Elliott, aka Juice 126, specifically about the Selly Oak graffiti park where he worked in the 80s and 90s. via Mullaney @ The Stirrer

Pub Conversations re-locates

The Pub Conversations event about studio space provision for artists in Birmingham has proved too popular for the Lamp Tavern and will be relocated to Vivid on Heath Mill Lane (and presumably renamed “Warehouse Conversations”). The date remains the same: Tuesday 4th December at 7.30pm Some observations: The topic is obviously a hot button issue. … [Read more…]