Upside Down?

From dan-ish Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.


From andrew meager Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.

Sally Luton on BOC

The Stirrer has a short interview with Sally Luton of the Arts Council where she lays out the conditions for Birmingham Opera Company to continue to receive funding. Here’s the meat: “The issue has never been, ‘is this good quality work?’ The issue is that the work happens infrequently, so how can we ensure that … [Read more…]

Cuts revealed

D’log has the full list of Arts Council cuts in the West Midlands and rather than repeat them here I’ll send you over to him. He’s got links to them all and commentary. Actually, his commentary on Midwest was taken to task by Nikki Pugh who gives a nice account of her experiences with the … [Read more…]

The flyer evolves

Now this is interesting. Leon Kesko emailed with some links to animations he’s done for nights in Birmingham. Check this out. It’s a 15 second video flyer and it makes perfect sense – everything you need to know about the event in one burst of sound and vision. Now that’s microcontent. I’m struggling to understand … [Read more…]

Graffiti in Birmingham

Kem. Click for bigger. First off, go check out, specifically the Birmingham section. This is a massive archive of photos of graffiti art done in the city over the years organized by artist. It’s not the most advanced site by any stretch but it’s the closest I’ve seen to a documented history of the … [Read more…]

Spreading the love a bit

Sure, CiB got the award thing and that’s all lovely and stuff, but no blog is an island, especially one like this which employs the via credit liberally. So here’s a quick run down in no particular order of some of the Birmingham blogs I like to think of as Rather Good. (Not a comprehensive … [Read more…]