Art of Ideas roundup

The Art of Ideas is three events taking place in Birmingham this week. I’m going to attempt to gather the various online responses in this post. As usual, send me links or add them in the comments. Ruth Ward has set up an Arts of Ideas blog gathering together all the material associated with the … [Read more…]

Emergent Game emerges

Part of New Generation Arts this year is a game to be played across the city using online tech but also with a hands on arts’n’craft angle. It’s been devised by Nikki Pugh along with a bunch of other souls and having been in the preliminary ideas-bashing stage I have high hopes for this being … [Read more…]

4Talent Awards open

If you’re under 30 and doing creative stuff go enter for the 4Talent awards. You’ve got until August so no big rush. Birmingham connection? They’re run by the 4Talent team at Maverick.

Birmingham creatives on Twitter

Twitter is a service that’s getting a fair bit of traction in Brum right now. Like most of these things it’s as useful as you find it to be so don’t feel you’re “doing it wrong” if you don’t get it, but I’m finding it rather invaluable so you might too. It’s a combination of … [Read more…]

Brum Blogmeet 3

A meetup of people who blog in Birmingham took place last night. It went rather well I thought. I’m keeping a roundup running on my blog, collective memory style, of links to stuff that’s come out of it including a video of the “unpanel” discussion. Many cool ideas and plans came out of the evening … [Read more…]

Arts Talks at the Hippo

[Update: It seems like this is coming out of the Visual for Business people] Fused have transcribed a flyer detailing some interesting events at the Hippodrome next week, which I will proceed to copy verbatim: Culture & Identity The Role of Place in Shaping the Arts Tuesday 8th April, 6.30pm‐8pm Chair: Robert Yates Speakers: Richard … [Read more…]

Fierce email issues

All sorted now! I wouldn’t normally put this sort of thing on the blog but with the Fierce Festival imminent it seems important. Fierce’s email is down for a whole week so if you want to get hold of anyone with a address please use fierceearth [at] googlemail [dot] com. That is all.