Moseley CDT gets £300k overhaul

At the Moseley Creative Forum meeting last night (at which I was on the panel) the chair, Steve Harding, mentioned that the Community Development Trust which owns/runs the building had secured £300,000 of funding to completely renovate the main ground floor space. What was interesting was what they intend to do with it. After the … [Read more…]

Moseley Creative Forum, Wednesday

Oops, in all the excitement I clean forgot to tell anyone about this. I’ll be one of the speakers or whathaveyou at the Moseley Creative Forum event tomorrow. I’ve no idea what I’ll be talking about, which is usually for the best, but will be on hand for chats and stuff should you want to … [Read more…]

The £1 Arts Commission Scheme

Brum-based eccentric publishers The Eccentric City are giving away a whole pound every month to the person who can put it to the best use. What’s more, it’s totally free to enter and you could even see your idea in print. So get yer thinking caps on and you could be in the money! The … [Read more…]

Serious fun

Digital Central are looking for 10 people from creative companies to take part in their pilot for a ‘serious game‘ which aims to teach business skills to creatives. From the Digital Central post: We’re running two workshop in the next month and we’d like to recruit a small number of individuals to help us test … [Read more…]

Graffiti Art Festival

Martin Mullaney’s blog brings news of a Graffiti Art Festival, to be held in Kings Heath Park on the weekend of 15th-16th March from 12noon to 6pm each day. From Martin’s blog: The Festival is being jointly organised by Bishop Challoner School and In A City Arts, 21 York Road. The Festival is being funded … [Read more…]

Wifi Networks detected in Birmingham So Far This Year

I think this counts as some kind of artwork. Jon Bounds has an iPhone which picks up WiFi networks as he walks around Birmingham. He’s been making notes of their names and created this piece of digital folk art. Or something. Bigger here or as a poster. I note he hasn’t been past my flat…

Post Culture roundup

On the plus side we’ll all be able to track the culture articles on the Birmingham Post’s website much easier when their new site launches next week. On the downside that means these links will probably be broken next week. Ah well. Here’s my picks from the last fortnight or so. A director who lets … [Read more…]