I Love Central Library / Central Library closure

This week it was announced (on the internet*) that the Central Library will be closing on Saturday 29th June at 5pm on Saturday.  You can read their press release to find out where you can go in the two months that the city centre will be without its library… Capsule have been appointed to curate and … [Read more…]

PROVIDE Paper Issue 002: Choose Adventure

PROVIDE Paper is a free publication which is produced and distributed by the PROVIDE Shop in Digbeth, with the goal of sharing the creative talents of their friends and customers. Each issue has a theme, and we are currently accepting submissions for Issue 002: Choose Adventure, until Friday 14th June. Anything that can be printed … [Read more…]

Hit the Ode

“Hit the Ode brings the most exciting poets from the region, the country and the world to the heart of Birmingham. Join us! We have poems. Poems which contain small parts, unsuitable for unsupervised play; poems scored for philharmonic orchestras and rush-hour traffic; poems with wind-up mechanisms. Good poems. Come and get them.” The next … [Read more…]

The Shock of Spring

West Midlands Readers’ Network, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery and Writing West Midlands present The Shock of Spring, a readers’ afternoon with Helen Cross, Sabine Durrant, Chris McCabe and Nathan Filer. Saturday 11th May. Join us for an exploration of the psychological thriller, the crime novel and the novel that unearths the underbelly of domestic … [Read more…]

Naked Lungs

Naked Lungs is a newly established Birmingham collective focused on promoting and providing a platform for a myriad of art forms. We are curating a once monthly event to be held at the Custard Factory’s new addition, the Greenhouse Cafe. Alongside this we are also self publishing a small magazine to document the ongoing narrative … [Read more…]

What’s This Story

Not often we receive stuff about writing, so here’s something different (taken from an email we received): “WhatsThisStory is an online blog in which people aged 14 – 30 years can contribute to a story. The blog is a collaborative medium where people from many different artistic disciplines can contribute their work. Writers can submit … [Read more…]

Penning Perfumes at Le Truc

A Scented Evening of Poems Inspired by Perfumes and Perfumes Inspired by Poems Penning Perfumes mixes poets and perfumers to see what they can create. The poets are given anonymous perfumes and asked to write a new poem in response to the scent and the perfumers are given poems and asked to compost a fragrance … [Read more…]