I Love Central Library / Central Library closure

This week it was announced (on the internet*) that the Central Library will be closing on Saturday 29th June at 5pm on Saturday.  You can read their press release to find out where you can go in the two months that the city centre will be without its library…

Capsule have been appointed to curate and produce the new Library of Birmingham’s opening season of events, so it would be worth while having a look to see what’s happening from September onwards, on their website.

Keeptheziggurat is a good twitter to follow if you’re keen to show your support for Madin’s Central Library building.

and if you really want to show your love, you can get I Love Central Library goodies, as illustrated by Carla Smith available as prints/on totes/on greetings cards via her etsy.

*… there have been signs up in the Library itself for a while apparently, but it’s only this week people have announced it on the internet. I must have missed the posters/they’ve been keeping a low profile.




  1. I remember seeing signs on the entrance to the Library detailing its closure date at least a month ago, maybe longer ago. Still, it seems like this is the first it’s been mentioned on the internet

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