Refugee Boy

What do you get when you mix a polemic topic, a misunderstood community, two of Britain’s best poetic voices and the artistic directors at Birmingham REP? The answer is Refugee Boy – a heartbreaking and hilarious production brimming with hope, humanity and love. This is an adaption of Benjamin Zepheniah’s novel of the same title. It … [Read more…]

The Giggling Girder Club!

Thinking of travelling out to the Jewellery Quarter on Tuesday night? Or someone who is looking to get a little more friendly performing experience? Either way it’s always nice to know where some creative entertainment can be found. On the 21st of January Soul Food restaurant The Church will start playing host to ‘The Giggling Girder … [Read more…]

52: Write a poem a week

New project from poet Jo Bell: Are you sitting comfortably? Never mind. Let’s begin anyway. Welcome to 52, a weekly kick in the arse for your Muse. Bookmark us or follow us – there will be guest blogs from big names and unexpected sources; prompts, discussions and projects. What is poetry for? Everything. Every damn thing. … [Read more…]

One Million Lovely Letters

One Million Lovely Letters: Something uplifting by Birmingham dweller Jodi Ann Bickley. One million lovely letters is something I’ve been working on since I was eleven. Ever since Ms Wrights Science Class in Year 7 I have been leaving people notes. In between text books, on buses, in libraries and as I got older in pubs, … [Read more…]