52: Write a poem a week

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New project from poet Jo Bell:

Are you sitting comfortably? Never mind. Let’s begin anyway. Welcome to 52, a weekly kick in the arse for your Muse. Bookmark us or follow us – there will be guest blogs from big names and unexpected sources; prompts, discussions and projects.

What is poetry for? Everything. Every damn thing. Poetry can tell us how to live, question how we live, remind us how we choose to live. You may be here because you have committed to writing one poem a week for the whole year. But if you haven’t – or if you fall off the waggon now and then – that’s fine. Just drop in now and then; you’re always welcome. Leave a comment, offer up favourite poems on the theme.

But mostly – give yourself just an hour a week to write, at least. And an hour a week to read others’ poetry, at least.

52 is one of a range of crowd-sourced projects to raise the standards of, and promote the pleasures of contemporary poetry.

More information on Jo’s blog 52: Write a poem a week.


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