What’s This Story

Not often we receive stuff about writing, so here’s something different (taken from an email we received):

“WhatsThisStory is an online blog in which people aged 14 – 30 years can contribute to a story. The blog is a collaborative medium where people from many different artistic disciplines can contribute their work. Writers can submit 150 words as well as illustrators, musicians, film artists and photographers as long as their work links to the story.

“This is a great opportunity for people to showcase their talent through one direct format which is the story. The blog allows people to find out about art forms they never would have touched on before and provides a place for the next generation to show their work.

“There will be a select few entry submissions that will be exhibited at Midlands Arts Centre, Birmingham when the story ends in April.

Go to the blog whatsthisstory.tumblr.comFind us on twitter @WhatsThisStory and Facebook