Disunited Nations conference

Distunted Nations: Cinema Beyond the Nation-State is an academic conference run by the University of Birmingham on 27-28 April at the MAC. Over the last few years a number of terms have been employed to conceptualise cinema beyond the boundaries of the nation-state, such as transnational cinema, accented cinema and transvergent cinema. Such terms respond … [Read more…]

Out Of Hours networking

Out Of Hours is a networking and social event for people working in the culture sector that tales place at the Light House in Wolverhampton. The next one is Monday March 5th, 5.30-7.30pm This evening we’re overflowing with interesting things to see, watch and listen to. There will be a screening of 7 Inch Cinema‘s … [Read more…]

Short Expresso

The PLOT site brings news of a short film, Expresso, which is being made in the region and has attracted some impressive talent including Norman Wisdom. Expresso is one of the films in Screen WM’s Digital Shorts scheme for 2006/7, part of the UK Film Council’s national programme “to enable filmmakers to make innovative shorts … [Read more…]

Inspiration Sessions

The 4Talent Inspiration Sessions are a series of events held in Birmingham where 15 attendees get to work with at least four top creative in their field for a day “sharing ideas, discussing working practices, and learning from the best in the business”. Here’s the current schedule. Click on the links for details. 23rd April: … [Read more…]

Digital Film Event 2008 confirmed

Film Birmingham, the agency that, amongst other things, acts as a go-between for film companies and locations in the city along with promoting the local film and TV industries, has launched a new Digital section on their site and are looking for digital media projects to fill it. Get in touch at digital@filmbirmingham.co.uk if that … [Read more…]


Straightheads is a forthcoming feature film co-financed by Screen West Midlands and filmed on location in the area. Due for release in April the trailer emerged last week and has gone down very well on YouTube, presumably because the film stars Gillian Anderson whose online fanbase is not insubstantial. A dark and sexually charged thriller, … [Read more…]

Film Locations database launched

There’s been a lot of activity from Screen West Midlands and Film Birmingham to push the area as a good place for film and TV companies to do their work, emphasizing advantages such as centrality and low cost along with the variety of urban environments and countryside and resulting in a 40% increase in filming … [Read more…]

Flatpack Preview pt 3

This is part three of my Flatpack Film Festival preview guide covering Sunday. Previous parts covered Friday and Saturday. Once again, these aren’t necessarily recommendations as I don’t really know what I’m letting myself in for in a lot of cases. But the programme is absurdly packed so you might find this useful. I’m going … [Read more…]