Supersonic 06 Videos

Chris Keenan informs on his hidden-away Prime Objective blog that he’s in the process of uploading a bunch of videos from last year’s Supersonic festival to YouTube. Nine are up so far and can be found in this account. Here’s the Modified Toy Orchestra one to be going along with.

The Electric Cinema Film Orchestra

Andrew Cowen on the Birmingham Post Blog has news of the Electric Cinema‘s new in-house eight piece orchestra. In a unique twist on cinema organists from the silent movie era, the Electric Cinema Film Orchestra play live music along to specially edited highlights from some of the world’s greatest films. Cinema owner and professional soundtrack … [Read more…]

Build a Reputation with YouTube

While the event itself doesn’t really come under the remit of this blog I think this video publicising the Epic Skate Park Beer Festival that was posted on YouTube is really interesting. One of the biggest stumbling blocks for people putting on events is, I think, reputation. If you have a big name draw or … [Read more…]

104 Films

Chris Keenan (previously profiled here) mentions on his great-but-buried-away blog that he’s been doing some stills photography on the shoot of a new film Special People, which leads me to discover 104 Films, a production company based in Solihull who have a rather impressive showreel. Special People is a feature length extension of a well … [Read more…]

Whatever Happened to Pete Blaggit?

Whatever Happened to Pete Blaggit? is a new feature film from Sepia Films, a local independent production company run by filmmaker Mark Jeavons. Filmed entirely in Birmingham the trailer has recently been released. Naturally Pete Blaggit has a MySpace page and the film is listed on IMDb. Also of note is the film’s composer Phil … [Read more…]

Mirage Film Festival

The second Mirage Festival of Arabic films runs in Birmingham April 19th – 22nd. Tasawar Bashir, Festival Curator, says: This is a pivotal time for Arab cinema; from across North Africa, the Middle East and Iran many new film festivals have sprung up as film industries ride something of a new wave. The West’s daily … [Read more…]


I was chatting to Fay Goodman of Goodmedia the other night and she’s a nice person. Whether that counts for anything is up to you but I think niceness is an underrated thing these days. Goodmedia, based in Yardly, are a TV/Film and music production company who’ve put out work about, amongst other things, John … [Read more…]

Chris Keenan – Prime Objective

Chris Keenan, trading as Prime Objective is a photographer who models himself after a WWII surveillance pigeon, taking photos and making short films around the world with a wide variety of tools, from polariods and lomography to super-8. In fact I’m not sure “photographer” is the right term for him – seems a bit restrictive. … [Read more…]