Movie Marketing Conference

Marketing the Movies: Promotion, Advertising and Film Studies is a conference at the University of Warwick in Coventry on Saturday 24th February. More so than many other kinds of art, films exist primarily as commercial entities, with for-profit enterprises producing and distributing the vast majority of the works which are seen throughout the world. Selling … [Read more…]

Flatpack Preview pt 2

This is part two of my Flatpack Film Festival preview guide covering Saturday. Part one detailed my plans for Friday and Sunday will follow soon. Again, these aren’t necessarily recommendations as I don’t really know what I’m letting myself in for in a lot of cases. But the programme is absurdly packed so you might … [Read more…]

Flatpack Preview pt 1

Okay, here’s part one of my planned schedule for the Flatpack Film Festival, Birmingham’s celebration of the slightly odd aspects of the moving image. This isn’t necessarily a recommendation as I’m going in blind to most of these. That’s they way I like festivals – they’re about discovery, not seeing the same old stuff. The … [Read more…]

The Seashell and The Clergyman

A Flatpack Film Festival spotlight. The opening film of the Flatpack Festival is The Seashell And The Clergyman. Made in 1927 by Germaine Dulac from a script by Antonin Artand it is widely considered the first surrealist film. If you fancy a bit of academia there’s a nice article on Dulac here and a couple … [Read more…]

Birmingham Mountain Film Festival

Now here’s an odd one, at least at first glance. You wouldn’t think Birmingham was a hot-bed of mountaineering enthusiasts but this Thursday sees the start of the Birmingham Mountain Film Festival at the Creation Climbing Centre in Moseley. Alongside a photography exhibition and short films shown in the cafe-bar the highlights include a screening … [Read more…]

Mark Locke

A Flatpack Film Festival spotlight. Mark Locke’s Saturday Night Takeaway, occurring at the MAC on Feb 3rd, is a retrospective of the film maker’s work from 90s comedy shorts to his current crop of music videos for the likes of Jeffrey Lewis, Ten Benson and local stars Misty’s Big Adventure. The performance will be in … [Read more…]

Flatpack Festival programme announced

The Flatpack Festival programme is online and by the gods there’s a lot going on. I had no idea! Over four days there’s an absurd amount of films being shown in the city from features to shorts to video installations at a wide range of venues. You could, if you wished, spend three whole days … [Read more…]

Notion Studio

My attention is drawn to Notion Studio, a multimedia production house based at UCE, thanks to a article on the Adobe site spotlighting their music video for Shimm1 in which the buildings of Birmingham transform into giant speakers. Specialising in high definition video, DVD production and 2D/3D animation, Notion is one of a cluster of … [Read more…]