Out Of Hours networking

Out Of Hours is a networking and social event for people working in the culture sector that tales place at the Light House in Wolverhampton. The next one is Monday March 5th, 5.30-7.30pm

This evening we’re overflowing with interesting things to see, watch and listen to. There will be a screening of 7 Inch Cinema‘s SloMo challenge, which ran for the first time last summer and will include clips from the original festival that inspired it. The challenge: to make a one-minute film using slow-motion in some way. The screening will be attended by a number of the filmmakers who will introduce their work.

This evening also marks the opening of the exhibition from Malooma, AKA Glen Tapper. Glen’s work is influenced by street graffiti, clean graphic design and is crammed with pop culture references. He depicts images of iconic film stars, using bold colours, text and strong lines. Finally, we are also welcoming Geraldine McCullagh and Jo Willis from BBC Big Screen who are on the look out for films and will give a short talk about the philosophy behind the Big Screen and the sort of content that they are looking for.

In addition we’ll have our resident VJs, Cinecull, a Wolverhampton based video production company, who provide an exclusive live audio-visual backdrop for Out of Hours.

Entrance is free. Contact plot@light-house.co.uk for further details.