Short Expresso

The PLOT site brings news of a short film, Expresso, which is being made in the region and has attracted some impressive talent including Norman Wisdom. Expresso is one of the films in Screen WM’s Digital Shorts scheme for 2006/7, part of the UK Film Council’s national programme “to enable filmmakers to make innovative shorts using digital technology” under the following criteria: a budget of under £10,000, no longer than 10 minutes in duration and shot digitally.

Expresso is produced by local company Last who put the proposal together with script submissions from Shooting People, “a community of filmmakers sharing resources, skills and experience”. The film is being shot on location in Waseley Park near Halesowen.

There are, of course, other films in the Digital Shorts scheme – here’s the list – but I think Expresso is a nice snapshot of how these things get made.

Submissions for Digital Short 2007/8 will be open this summer.

Production shot for Expresso by Darren Seymour and ©