
From ikkio_too Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.

Sian Hindle

Yesterday I popped along to St Chad’s Cathedral, which is a very interesting building so I’d recommend you follow that link. I was there to meet Sian Hindle, a jewellery designer who was taking part in the Architectural Jewellery and Conceptual Design strand of New Generation Arts and Architecture Week. This project, curated by Susan … [Read more…]

Door and lock

From nobody knows anything Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.


The Sound in the Round programme of open air events at the MAC has been released. Lots of interesting looking stuff there including Hayseed Dixie (!!), Badly Drawn Boy, Dreadzone, Nina Nastasia and more. 7 Inch Cinema, the local champions of the odd in the motion picture realm, send out a regular newsletter chock full … [Read more…]

Big Debate on Regional Arts

Along with a rash of festivals we seem to be having an epidemic of debates at the moment. When I first saw this I assumed it was part of the Arts Council’s Arts Debate but The Big Debate Birmingham turns out to have a wider remit and is organized by the NEC Group and the … [Read more…]

Architecture Week Catalogue

Here comes another festival, hot on the heals of the last one. Keeping track of all this stuff is getting to be a full time job! Architecture Week starts on Friday 15th and runs until the 25th. There’s a load of stuff going on all over the city on the theme of How Green Is … [Read more…]