Architecture Week Catalogue

Here comes another festival, hot on the heals of the last one. Keeping track of all this stuff is getting to be a full time job!

Architecture Week starts on Friday 15th and runs until the 25th. There’s a load of stuff going on all over the city on the theme of How Green Is Our Space. As I’m finding with these events it’s easier to get a feel of what’s going on from the paper catalogue than a website so I’d highly recommend downloading the West Mids Architecture Week booklet and having a browse. It’s a 2.4mb PDF and is refreshingly readable off the screen.


  1. Is there something up with the PDF? Seemed to download very quickly then wouldn’t open.

    The Architecture Week site is a nightmare to navigate.

  2. Try it now. I think the upload got screwed.

    (As usual, when you don’t double check something that’s when it goes wrong.)

    Yup, the architecture of the Architecture Week site is somewhat lacking. How ironic. ;)

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